It's windy in Lubbock.  Get used to it.  Well, tell that to my nose. We have full blown dirt shenanigans hitting Lubbock today and it's supposed to be UGLY.

Between about 1 p.m. and through about midnight the wind is going to put on a serious show.  We're looking at winds from 25-35 miles an hour with gusts up to 45 miles an hour. These are the types of winds that can really work on stuff and do real damage. In addition there's all that flying dust which will clog up your lungs and irritate your eyes.

Some people say that "staying out of it" is the only solution, but those of use who have lived with it know there is no real way to avoid it. It seems to permeate the thickest walls and windows locking down your respiratory system immediately and creating a problem for the next few days.

My mom had the best solution for those unprepared. Whenever she visited during a dust storm she'd just put a big pot of boiling water on the stove.  Humidifiers are good, but it just seems like that pot of boiling water put more moisture in the house to keep the dust down.

So anyways, the answer to the question "Can You Ever Really Get Used To The Wind In West Texas?" is simple. The answer is no.

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