First, my apologies for resorting to namecalling right off the bat, but I just can't think of a better term for the behavior of Texas officials. I am stunned that they think you are so stupid that they can get away with the claims they are making.

Erich Schlegel, Getty Images
Erich Schlegel, Getty Images

The prevailing criticism of the marriage equality decision is that it is "lawless and unconstitutional." Apparently, they don't think you know that what the Supreme Court does is decide what is "lawful and constitutional."

Technically, they are infallible unless it can be proven that they were somehow deciding against their personal knowledge of the constitution.

Next up is the idea that they "legislate from the bench." Legislate means "to pass, enact, or formulate" laws. The Supreme Court only interprets challenges to the laws that are already written. They don't legislate. Boom. Throw those two things out and you're left with a bunch of whiny jerks who are mad because they didn't get their way.

Then you have those people who want to claim "states' rights" in this issue. Do I even have to explain to you how out of control things would get if you got married in Texas and your marriage wasn't valid in New Mexico? What if instead of marriage we were talking about your cash not being good from state to state? What if was you birth certificate or your kids adoption papers?

The concept of this being a "states' rights" issue is patently ridiculous.

I just saw news from a Republican House member who wants a special session to prevent ANYBODY from getting marriage licenses. Does that not sound exactly like "If we don't play my way, I'm gonna take my toys and go home"?

Since everyone on Facebook these days think they know more than the Supreme Court, let me direct your attention to the 14th Amendment to the constitution, which gives all citizens equal protection under the law. It's main intent is to make sure a majority doesn't bully a minority.

So now our governor sent word to "protect the religious liberties" of those who issue marriage licenses. In shorthand, this governor is less concerned about following the law and allowing equality than protecting the rights of a few clerks out there that want to bring their bigoted behavior to work.

There is no better way to say it than to say that this is a dick move. It also opens the door for clerks to refuse to issue marriage licenses to Jews, Hispanics, Bikers or anyone else who they claim is against their "religion."

As I have ALWAYS said: your rights end where someone else's begin. If it offends you to do your job, then the onus is on you to get another job. If a surgeon doesn't want to operate on gays, then he shouldn't work at a country hospital where emergency treatment is mandated.

Gay marriage is here. We can accept it or continue to be an embarrassment to history and the rest of the nation. And no, I will not move if "I don't like it." I will work toward eliminating this juvenile behavior from my state.

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