I had an awesome picture of my cat being dumb. I took that picture and put together a blog and figured maybe other people have a feline they love, goofy or not. The response was pretty awesome, and we've gathered some of the results for you here.

So many people like to call themselves "cat people" or "dog people." I think for the most part it's either "animal people" or "non-animal people." Then again, there's the "weird animal people" who can be subdivided into the "reptile people," "arachnid people" and "small mammal people."

Oh, and how can I forget that for a long time I was one of the "fish people." (I still kind of am; I just don't have time for an active aquarium right now.)

So anyway, let's have some love for these people and their cats! Their owners rock and so do their pets!

FMX Listener Selfies

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