The internet is full of jerks. As you may have noticed there's no shortage of people who will say bad things and that includes criticisms as well. Want proof? Steel Panther.

So many people expressed concern over Steel Panther's planned appearance at FMX's Red, White and Boom show that they were removed from the bill.  

I can tell you for a fact that the people that promote shows in this town watch the comments on our Facebook before, during and after every show. They make notes, and if people bitch too much about bands like Five Finger Death Punch coming back to Lubbock too often, then we get taken out of consideration for future shows.

Justin Massoud
Justin Massoud

Just the other day I saw a couple of bands getting slagged on the front page of our Facebook. 

My first question is: why do you have to be such an a--hole about something somebody else likes? How are you personally offended, hurt or inconvenienced by somebody else having fun? 

I could make a day out of slamming these lowest common denominator red dirt country bands that come to town, but you know what? I don't care. I don't go and I don't give a crap who does. It's not my thing. I don't like spinach either, but I don't go to a post about people who love spinach and tell them how terrible it is.

Anyways, enough with the negative; that's the whole point. If you're glad a band is coming to town and plan on getting a ticket, then SAY SO! 

Those posts are monitored closely and you can help good things happening and keep bad things from happening. Don't let haters decide your concert schedule -- only you should be able to do that!

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