The Junior League of Lubbock is partnering up with Amigos in Lubbock for a Health Fiesta. In fact, all Amigos locations will have a Health Fiesta.

Brenda Duby with United Supermarkets sat down with us to talk about the Health Fiesta and what people can expect.

Duby said instead of a normal health fair, they wanted this to be fun and almost like a party-type atmosphere. The Junior League will have their Kids in the Kitchen program at the Lubbock Amigos. You will also find the recipe for Valentine's Day trail mix, and Amigos will be introducing people to the new Adventure Fruit Club.

While at the Amigos Health Fiesta, special screenings for glucose, blood pressure and more will be available.

The Amigos Health Fiesta takes place this Saturday, Feb. 11 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Find out more details in the video above.

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The United Supermarkets Family is making healthy shopping easier by helping you build a better basket. Find out more at United Supermarkets’ official website

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