Rude people suck, PERIOD... I think we can all agree that there are some people in this world who seem oblivious to the fact that they are not the only people on this earth. You know the kind of people I'm talking about, say you're out shopping with your sweetheart and your walking hand in hand and someone is coming from the opposite direction. "These people" will not deviate from their path and if you don't move they WILL knock you down.

Or, say you're at Walmart and there are only two people checking and each line has six to nine people waiting. Then they open another line and the checker looks at the next person in line and tells them, "I can get you over here." "these people" I'm talking about are the ones who even though they just walked up to the end of the line, and even though they saw the clerk look at the person who is next in line to be checked out will push past everyone to be first.

I don't know about you, I always find it hard to say anything, but now, thanks to Jenna Marbles I think I may have to drop this line and maybe even add the "crazy eyes" just for good measure.

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