I am often disturbed by things that pass by my Facebook feed. I'll also admit that I am too stupid to pass many of them by.  The internet is a goldmine for conspiracy nuts and their complete and total disregard for anything regarding logic blows me away.

Shooting At Elementary School In Newtown, Connecticut
Douglas Healey/Getty Images

A really poorly written website published a blog saying the Sandy Hook Massacre was a fake F.B.I. operation. That idiotic blog is now being passed around as it's real. I find this incredibly disrespectful to those kids who died, so let's pick this conspiracy apart.

The "reason" given for the government "staging" this massacre was to inflame anti-gun sentiment so the government can come and take everyone's guns.  Okay, let's go with that.  Sandy Hook took place in 2012. It is now 2014.  There is no one collecting firearms. There is no "Sandy Hook" legislation that has anything to do with guns.  The entire sad and tragic event has come and gone with barely a whisper.  So let's use logic. If the government didn't do this to "take away our guns", then there's no reason to do it all.  Now if you're a conspiracy nut, you're going to move the bar a little further and say, they did it to practice for another event and after THAT event they're going to take our guns.  This goes on and on and on.

Where a lot of us fail is we let the conspiracy nuts put the burden of proof on us, when it should be on them.  Crying mothers and fathers, emergency vehicles, blood and tiny coffins are enough proof for me.  The conspiracy nuts say these are "crisis actors".  This is once again moving the bar.  Forgive me for being morbid, but if I dug up the bodies, the nuts would say the government switched bodies. If I matched their d.n.a., the nuts would say the scientists are in on it. If I proved without a doubt that all of those kids were killed, then the lunatic fringe would substitute another theory like, "well the government hired the shooter".

I should have dropped my last conversation when I saw one of the bloggers say "Snopes is for people who don't do their own research".  Well, Snopes is about the most unbiased source on the interweb and I highly doubt these high school dropouts who "Googled" some stories that fit into their suspicions are on the right track. I just don't see a guy who can't keep a fast food job being the one that someone stumbles onto some world-wide conspiracy that it going to tumble the U.S. Government.

The other point I get from a lot of these people is "well the Government lies". My answer is, of course they do, everyone does. The real question should be, how often does the government lie and for what purpose? Once again this is where logic comes in.   If you can take away the "purpose", then maybe they aren't lying.

Healthy skepticism is a very good thing. I'm sure many real conspiracies were discovered this way, but at some point you have to admit that maybe things really are as they seem. Then again, according the the wackos, I'm in the media and we get a bulletin each week about what lies we have to tell everyone.  Now the point of this blog wasn't to convince these lugheads to change their ways, I am well aware that that is not going to happen. The point is for those of you who are level-headed to use your noggin and have just a little faith in the world.  I have since "hidden" these conspiracy nuts from my Facebook feed denying them the stage they need to spread this poison. I suggest for your own mental health that you do the same.  Sometimes the world sucks just because it sucks. We don't need people inventing new ways for it to suck.  Now....go and be awesome to each other.

Special Disclaimer: For the conspiracy folk who felt like they had to read this just to see how mad I could make them, I'm not interested in your sketchy links to websites that sell folding knives and survivalist supplies alongside political opinions. I'm not interested in hearing "just wait", "it's going to happen" or other completely unprovable predictions with no facts or timetables next to them. In short, I'm not interested in you.  Go be at peace.


Regular Disclaimer: (Opinions expressed on this blog may not necessarily be those of Townsquare Media. They also have little to nothing to do with what is broadcast on the radio. Not responsible for butthurt. I don’t take questions from anyone who does not donate blood, or donate their time or money to the community or charity. The world is full of a lot of people with a lot of different opinions, get a helmet and get over it. Respect, walk)

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