I can't believe the summer is officially coming to an end.

For weeks now teachers and staff have been hard at work preparing rooms, equipment, and lesson plans for the official first day of school.

One more night and it will be upon us.

First, as a reminder all Lubbock schools have new start (and dismissal) times this year so be sure you check your alarms and make sure you're not getting your kids off to a late start on their first day.

Second, remember traffic is going to be worse in the morning with parents taking kids to school and most likely lingering around the area of the schools well passed 8:00am.

What this means to those of you who don't have kids in school, remember you're going to need to leave earlier as well or risk being late to work.

Third, school zone signs may or may not be working tomorrow so slow down and pay attention.

Put your phones down, don't do your makeup while you're driving, don't shave while you're driving, just drive.

Here's to everyone having a great first day!



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