Anytime there is a big change in the law, people have to figure out how it applies to them. 0ur Mayor, City Manager and at least one council person have very mixed feelings.  I like to call it "Gunfight At City Hall".

Steve Frost
Steve Frost

So here's the scoop in a nutshell. The mayor wanted city employees to be able to carry guns like anyone else (and his position is supported by the N.R.A., who I had no idea even cared about stuff this low level).  The city manager wanted city employees to have written permission from him to carry. Add to this, Councilperson Latrelle Joy wants no open or concealed carry at all at open City Of Lubbock meetings.

So who's right and who's wrong? I kind of think the mayors right. If it's legal, it's legal.  Though, that doesn't make it right. I can legally fart at the dinner table, but that doesn't make it the right thing to do. And to be honest, if a city of Lubbock employee, like maybe a meter reader or something knocked on my door with a visible pistol, I'm not opening the door, and I'm calling the police.

The results of the council meeting shook out like this, with plenty for everybody to complain about;  Latrelle Joys prohibition of guns at meetings was rejected, and the mayor's plan to let city employees carry was also rejected.  For right now, city employees still have to request permission to carry from the city manager. The mayor has now asked for a legal opinion from the Texas Attorney General.

Open carry, abortion and many other things that a lot of people find unsavory are legal. If you don't like the law, don't open carry or get an abortion. I think the mayor is going to come out on top of this one, no matter what anyones opinion is.

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