There is a simple reason why I won't be putting a "Support The Police" blue line on my curb, or an "I support the police" bumpersticker on my car.  I think support for the police should be an unspoken thing that we all live by. I repeat, there should be no question that we support the police, painted blue line or not.


The blue line is supposedly "The Safe Harbor Initiative" and it represents "support for police" and that somebody in the house "has that officers back".  There's even a question as if this campaign is really a thing, or that the blue stripes were the markings of utility workers, that somehow morphed into this project.

I've asked questions about police on my blog and Facebook before and there are a lot of haters out there, but I think by and and large most people support and respect the police. A little mark on a curb shouldn't make a difference in our relations; it should be the default position that everyone supports the police.

Let's also mention how things can get really out of control. Let's say you paint a thin blue line to support cops. You can then do a thin red line for firefighters. Then a thin white line for EMS. There's also "lines" for security guards, nurses, cops, the different armed forces, loss prevention officers/tow truck drivers and more. Before you know it, you'd have a whole rainbow on your curb and people would thing it was for gay rights instead of all of the different organizations you support.

The best way to support police is to respect them as you would anybody else. If you want to add a stripe or a bumpersticker to that, that's awesome. I think good cops know who has their back the minute they meet them, and no trendy campaigns are required.


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