Stephen is a Regional Content Director at Townsquare Media with over two decades of experience in the media industry. He started as a Senior Editor at a teen celebrity magazine, where he conducted Britney Spears' first cover story interview, uncovering the relatable fact that she missed her prom. Stephen was also Editor-at-Chief at Moviefone (yes, he worked with that guy), launched an internet meme site and now works with the most talented group of local content creators in the business.
Stephen Lenz
Who Else Remembers Video Disks? They Actually Existed!
Records that played video in the '80s? It wasn't a dream. RCA's SelectaVision, a huge flop, did indeed exist.
Iconic American Brand Closing Last Remaining U.S. Factory
Tupperware will move the entirety of its production operations to Mexico where the bulk of its products are already made.
The Dead Man’s Fingers Fungus Is as Grotesque as It Sounds
This fungus has an incredible ability to make you turn around and run for your life. It might even be right outside your home.
Should You Spray Your Peonies if They Are Covered in Ants?
Interestingly enough, it turns out that this is less a horror story, and more of a love story—between the ants and the peonies.
7 Things Every Kid Wished Their House Had When They Were Growing Up
Explore the nostalgic desires of every kid's dream home.
Why Does This Bird’s Call Make People Nostalgic for Their Childhood?
The internet has been saying that a certain bird's call can trigger a flood of childhood nostalgia. We attempt to explain why this might happen.
Viral Street Photographer Brought to Tears by Woman’s Kindness
When Alex, a street portrait photographer known as PortraitGeek, offered to take a photo of Ada, he didn't know how much it would mean to him personally.
Can You Identify These Popular Family Pets? It’s Harder Than You Think.
Can you tell the difference between a hamster and a guinea pig? How about a betta and a guppy? Test your pet ID skills in our cute quiz.
America’s Most Horrifying Bug Is Actually Something You Want in Your House
Will they make you scream in horror? Yes. Should you destroy them? Maybe not.
Why Are TV Remotes Sometimes Referred to as ‘the Clicker’?
Hardly anyone these days seems to know how to operate their TV remote, but have you ever wondered why it's commonly referred to as "the clicker"?
Is Your Yard Buried Under Piles of Pinecones? You Aren’t Alone.
As we brace ourselves for the Cicadapocalypse, Pineconepalooza seems to have taken us all by surprise.
Can Using My Own Toothbrush Make Me Sick Again?
Like many people, you may have gotten sick recently, raising the question: Could your toothbrush make it even worse?