Last year, we first heard word a new video game set in the modern Planet of the Apes cinematic timeline would be coming out in conjunction with War for the Planet of the Apes. The movie's release came and went, and there was nary a whisper about this video game. Today, Andy Serkis's Imaginarium Studios finally revealed what it had been working on for the past year. Planet of the Apes: Last Frontier will be a cinematic adventure game that delves into the war between humans and apes during the years between Dawn of the Planet of the Apes and War for the Planet of the Apes.
Still haven't managed to get one of those miniature NES Classic consoles? If you're feeling lucky, Best Buy stores will have limited quantities in stock today!
Think back if you will to when you were a teenager, to a time when you would hang out in game rooms for hours with your friends playing video games, pinball, pool, and Foosball.
With a brand new 747 (dubbed Ed Force One) to carry the band across the world during the current Book of Souls Tour the trailer has been released for the highly anticipated video game 'Legacy of the Beast' from Iron Maiden.
Iron Maiden will give you the chance to take on the world as the bands mascot 'Eddie' later this summer with the release of Iron Maiden: "Legacy of the Beast" video game that will be available on your android device.
It's not a surprise to hear that Avenged Sevenfold has been working closely with video game developers Treyarch on a score for the company's new game in the "Call of Duty" line, but another trailer of the most recent release has an older hit from the band as well.
If you're a fan of Rob Zombie and pinball and had the chance to combine the two, what would you get? Rob Zombie's Spookshow International Pinball Machine. And it's awesome.
Here at 4413 82nd St. (AKA the FMX Studios), there are three floors to the building with two bathrooms to every floor. I recently went to the bathroom on the 2nd floor, and as I washed my hands heard some music coming form the stall.
It got me thinking: do people check their social media or use some apps while going to the bathroom?