To me, Dylan Cantrell was always a guy at Texas Tech who seemed like he was on the edge of his potential. Even in his brightest moments, it seemed like he had the potential for more, and I have no doubt he can make an NFL roster with his work ethic and talent.

He has the stats to back up his pedigree and a history of successful Texas Tech wide receivers in the NFL ahead of him. He's also an aggressive blocker and a selfless teammate, which are aspects that are often hard to find at the receiver position in the NFL.

That said, he should forego the NFL Draft and just enter the NBA Dunk contest!

Just look at this monster between the legs slam:

Full disclosure: I made the same, "wooooo!" noise in the video when I saw the dunk.

He can also do backflips and catch footballs simultaneously, but I'm not sure what that is good for.

Dylan Cantrell will be at the NFL Combine with Keke Coutee and Nic Shimonek starting March, 3rd.

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