Awards shows aren't exactly know for their representation of rock, but this year's Academy Awards won a few points when Wayne's World stars reunited onstage.
For many viewers, the Oscars are are chance to snark and make fun of everything that happens on stage (and can you blame ‘em?). But then the “In Memoriam” segment comes around and reduces even the most cynical person to puddle of bubbling tears. The 2015 Oscars “In Memoriam” is no different, offering a whirlwind tour through a year’s worth of beloved people who passed away. Get ready ... it’s about to get a little dusty in here.
Well, that was interesting. Just when you think you've got the Oscars figured out, they throw you a huge curve ball. Or, maybe what's so surprising about this year's nominations is how nothing is really different?
If you haven't seen any of the 2014 Oscar nominated films, like 'American Hustle' or '12 Years a Slave,' have no fear. The folks at CineFix and and their talented kid performers have come together to reenact the most praised films of the past year.
I am amazed by our celebrity culture. We treat our actors as royalty. There was time that acting was considered one of the lowest forms of employment one could get. I think the answer is somewhere in the middle at best. Read more after the jump.