12 Best Prog Metal Albums of the '90s12 Best Prog Metal Albums of the '90sSome of them are among the greatest prog metal albums of all time!Jordan BlumJordan Blum
Bands Who Are Wrongly Labeled Hair MetalBands Who Are Wrongly Labeled Hair MetalAre these bands hair metal or not? History lumps them into the subgenre, but there's some arguments to be made against it!Sydney TaylorSydney Taylor
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What Happened to Rock + Metal's Class of '84?What Happened to Rock + Metal's Class of '84?They were starting in their various forms in 1984. Some had Rock Hall careers, others were hot for a moment.Chad ChildersChad Childers
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10 Metal Bands Whose Third Album Is the Best10 Metal Bands Whose Third Album Is the BestAs the saying goes, the third time's the charm!Jordan BlumJordan Blum
10 Metal Singers Who'd Fit Perfectly in Other Bands10 Metal Singers Who'd Fit Perfectly in Other BandsJust imagine the possibilities! Jordan BlumJordan Blum
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Most Underrated Album by Big Prog Metal BandsMost Underrated Album by Big Prog Metal BandsC’mon. 'Operation: Mindcrime II' isn’t THAT bad.Jordan BlumJordan Blum