Sugar Ray Singer Confirms Kid Rock Lyrics Were Telling the TruthSugar Ray Singer Confirms Kid Rock Lyrics Were Telling the TruthCocky, yes, but also true apparently.Chad ChildersChad Childers
10 Pop Bands Who Tried to Write Metal Songs10 Pop Bands Who Tried to Write Metal SongsWhat happens when a pop-punk or pop rock band tries to write a metal song?Philip TrappPhilip Trapp
90’s Supergroup Uncle Ezra Ray Isn’t as Super as They Think [VIDEO]90’s Supergroup Uncle Ezra Ray Isn’t as Super as They Think [VIDEO]For many of us children of the 90's, the thought of having Mark McGrath, Uncle Kracker, and Kevin Griffin from Better Than Ezra sounds awesome! It's not.EthanEthan
Free Six Pack From The Rock Show-Rockshow Threesome Times 2 [AUDIO]Free Six Pack From The Rock Show-Rockshow Threesome Times 2 [AUDIO]In a rare moment, we forgot to give you a Threesome yesterday, so we're doubling up the funny today. Enjoy after the jump!WesWes