New Mexico Postpones High School Football, Will Texas Follow?
New Mexico Postpones High School Football, Will Texas Follow?
New Mexico Postpones High School Football, Will Texas Follow?
The State of New Mexico was the first of what will likely be many states to postpone football and other contact sports in the upcoming fall semester. A statement released yesterday by the NMAA Executive Director Sally Marquez the postponement was made official, "The New Mexico Activities Association will be postponing both the 2020 football and soccer seasons to the spring semester... Read Mo
The UIL Plans to Allow Limited Summer Workouts Starting in June
The UIL Plans to Allow Limited Summer Workouts Starting in June
The UIL Plans to Allow Limited Summer Workouts Starting in June
The UIL State tournaments were canceled shortly after the NCAA started canceling spring events. Then came baseball, softball, and every other spring sport or event scheduled to take place in the last two months. Now, after Governor Abbott's announcement that Texas will be moving into phase two of reopening, the UIL has sent word to coaches that limited offseason workouts and marching band practice