
Viagra Can Make Your Plants Stiff Too [AUDIO]
Viagra Can Make Your Plants Stiff Too [AUDIO]
Viagra Can Make Your Plants Stiff Too [AUDIO]
Want stronger, stiffer stems? How about hot, pulsating petals? Okay, we can't help you with that second one, it just sounded good. Anyways, evidently you can trade in your green thumb for a blue pill.
Woman Comes *This Close* To Having New Heart [AUDIO]
Woman Comes *This Close* To Having New Heart [AUDIO]
Woman Comes *This Close* To Having New Heart [AUDIO]
The world owes a debt of gratitude to you organ donors. It is very big of you to make one final sacrifice for the benefit of others.  Sometimes though, accidents happen and your guts just get smooshed.  More after the jump.
Milwaukee: King Of Corpses [AUDIO]
Milwaukee: King Of Corpses [AUDIO]
Milwaukee: King Of Corpses [AUDIO]
Down here in Texas we hear a lot about bodies found in Mexico. It can be very scary to be that close to that much death.  It turns out, we're not that close at all, at least compared to Milwaukee.   Heathen has the story next:
Turning Pages Like A Boss [VIDEO]
Turning Pages Like A Boss [VIDEO]
Turning Pages Like A Boss [VIDEO]
I love "Rube Goldberg" devices (think the game "Mousetrap" where everything trips something else in order for the mouse to eventually be caught).  Even though I've seen dozens and dozens of these machines in my lifetime, there is something very fresh about the one in this video. Check it out after the jump.
Fat Man in Crotchless Panties [AUDIO]
Fat Man in Crotchless Panties [AUDIO]
Fat Man in Crotchless Panties [AUDIO]
How about that headline for this story?  Have you EVER seen a better headline? Just read it out loud and you'll start laughing until you snarf (when you laugh hard enough to blow snot).  All of this begs the question, why haven't you clicked through to hear the story yet.
Woman Has Insane Reaction To Art Show [AUDIO]
Woman Has Insane Reaction To Art Show [AUDIO]
Woman Has Insane Reaction To Art Show [AUDIO]
I actually put a bit more thought into "art" than I used to. I try to figure out what the artist is trying to say, feel or express. The worst I've ever done with a piece I didn't like was just move on.  I think that's the customary way to express your dislike. Today we have a story of a woman who went to extremes. More after the jump.

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