Amarillo and Lubbock have always had a bit of a rivalry. Back in the day it was for concerts. We'd get half and they'd get half. Now we get most and they get almost none. Well, the *derp* squad has moved north up the highway for something that you'd expect to happen in Lubbock.

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It seems Lubbock has been the one to dominate the category of "embarrassing West Texas" for some time. Well, hold on cowboy, because Amarillo has stepped up its game. At issue is a comic book convention and religious protestors.

The Yellow City Comicon has grown to the point that it picked up both local and regional protesters. At issue is time spent with comic books is not time spent with Jesus.

Okay, seriously? Yeah, seriously. The group put out claims of "idolatry" (hilariously enough while one guy was wearing what looked to be an NFL team jersey). Not only that, but the group, who were mostly from Dallas, linked up with kindred spirits from Amarillo, said that conventions and comic cons bring more sin into the area.

What I really like about the story from the Amarillo Globe News is that the nutballs are given almost no space at all in the article even though the headline is about the protest. So, in effect, all these loony-tunes did was give the article writer an excuse to publicize the event for a bigger turnout next time.

Remember that old saying, folks: 'Religion is like a penis. It's okay to have one. It's okay to be proud of it. Just don't wave it around and try to shove it down people's throats.'

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