
Now THIS is How You Get Men Interested in Foreign Sports [VIDEO]
Now THIS is How You Get Men Interested in Foreign Sports [VIDEO]
Now THIS is How You Get Men Interested in Foreign Sports [VIDEO]
Rugby is a very popular sport in most of the world, except America. Of course we have Rugby teams both at the college and professional level. However, I don't see the game getting the respect it deserves. Possibly because nobody here truly understands the rules of the game. Thankfully someone has put together a video explaining just that. Enjoy.
Girls Rugby Teams Play in Prom Dresses [VIDEO]
Girls Rugby Teams Play in Prom Dresses [VIDEO]
Girls Rugby Teams Play in Prom Dresses [VIDEO]
Rugby is hard enough to follow without the uniforms making it more confusing. A pair of high school girls rugby teams from Buffalo took to the pitch in prom dresses Wednesday night.