
Twitter Thinks Bane Caused the Super Bowl XLVII Blackout
Twitter Thinks Bane Caused the Super Bowl XLVII Blackout
Twitter Thinks Bane Caused the Super Bowl XLVII Blackout
We're going to pretend all of these people are hilarious and not morons. When the 2013 Super Bowl was delayed by a power outage, most people took it as a chance to actually talk to the people at their football party. These people decided to make jokes on Twitter that the half hour of darkness was actually 'The Dark Knight Rises' villain Bane's fault.
The Big Twitter Switch
The Big Twitter Switch
The Big Twitter Switch
I recently made the switch from Facebook to Twitter.  A lot of people really don't understand that difference or why anyone would prefer one over the over so I thought I'd give you some notes on my initial experience.   More after the jump.

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