What's up Mr. Vending guy? I thought me and you were cool, and yet you dick me every week when you stock the machine.  Can't a brother get some love?  Read More after the jump.

Our vending machine has these selections: Coke, Diet Coke, Dr. Pepper, Diet Dr. Pepper, Coke Zero and Nestea. First off, I have NEVER seen anyone in this building with a Nestea, so Nestea can go f@ck itself. Next, almost everyone drinks Diet, specifically Diet Coke (I'd like some Diet Pepsi, but that's a whole other story).  Each week, the Diet Coke sells out, which causes the Diet Dr. Pepper to sell out, which (this week) caused the Coke Zero to sell out, which causes the Coke machine on the first floor to start selling out.  Meanwhile sh@tty Nestea is still there taking up a space.  How is it possible that after all these years the soda man hasn't discovered this problem? Do I have to explain "the domino effect"?  Is there some kind of incentive for storing unsellable Nestea? If all you have left is godd@mned Nestea, then you aren't selling ANYTHING! I'm cool with paying full price for crappy store brand diet cola if that's what we have to have, but you aren't pawning your hell-spawn tea off on me. And don't get me started on orange, we ain't five here.

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