released their list of the "Top American Rock Bands Of All Time" right around the 4th.  What you need to know is these lists are compiled by knuckleheads that don't know much more (and in some cases less) than me and you.  Check out the results next.  Coming in on the Gibson list were:


1.  Bruce Springsteen and the E. Street Band

2. Aerosmith

3. Nirvana

4. The Ramones

5. Metallica

Now, in my opinion that's already a little flaky, but as you go down the list, it gets even flakier.  Instead of taking these guys word as gold, why don't we compile a list.  How about you give me your top 5?  If we get decent amount of response, I'll average 'em together and we'll see what we come up with.

Remember, this is supposed to be OF ALL TIME, so you can pick any rock band between now and 1955!

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