90'S nostalgia is at full force and why not? The 90's was the last great influx of new bands and may be the last ever. There just isn't as much money in the business any more to get these upstarts going. I have faith there will be another "new wave" at some point, just not as big as the grunge era.  With that in mind, I gathered some tracks together that you may not have heard in a while.

  • 1

    Dust For Life-Step Into The Light

    This is my absolute favorite "lost" track from the grunge era. It's the track that inspired this list.  I was fortunate enough to see this band live and it was truly a concert going highlight for me. The dark chugging passages are set off by beautiful lighter moments. It's almost like it's midnight and then the sun rises. Simply a great track.

  • 2

    Screaming Trees-Nearly Lost You

    Mark Lanegan was one of the most respected musicians of the grunge era, but never did seem to get enough of the spotlight. He was also one of the vocalists on the Mad Season album. Lanegan also worked with Kurt Cobain before Nirvana blew up and was actually a member of Queens of the Stone Age for a while.

  • 3

    Our Lady Peace-Starseed

    Our Lady Peace had much bigger songs (Superman's Dead, Clumsy), this was the track that exposed them to the U.S.  Some of you know the track because it was on the soundtrack to the move Armageddon. It's also interesting that while you may or may not know this band, their album "Clumsy" went diamond in Canada and the band almost broke up because they were TOO popular.

  • 4

    Better Than Ezra-In The Blood

    Everybody knows the "Wha-oh" of the Better Than Ezra song "Good". You, may also remember that that song became so popular that it was referenced on SNL's Weekend Update with Norm McDonald  "In entertainment news, Better Than Ezra scored the number one song on the Billboard charts this week.
    Coming in at number two: Ezra.". Enough about that song though, there is something really haunting about this track. It may be a little too pop for some of you, but trust me, it's the good stuff.

  • 5

    Social Distortion-Bad Luck

    I had the promotional poster for this single on my wall for ten years easy. It was easily the most rock and roll thing ever. It featured Mike Ness in a midair jump and you could tell he was just beating the crap out of his guitar. In some peoples hands a guitar is almost a feminine thing, in Ness's hands it's almost like a greasy tool.

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