Yesterday, I reported on a racist post that had been shared 1,100 times on Facebook. Not only was the man put on blast, but apparently he has also lost his job. We've also been informed that contrary to what he said in his hateful message, he wasn't a Marine either.

I wanted to jump in one more time to make sure everyone was clear on the situation.

Getty Images

I didn't check out many of the comments or shares, but I saw a few that I wanted to respond to directly.

A few thanked myself and/or FMX for bringing this issue to light. I want to be the first to say that it was the people of Facebook, and not us that scored a bittersweet victory here.

Too often, "the media" is blamed -- or even credited -- for things like this. I believe the 1,100 shares and all of the people who read those shares are responsible for saying "we will not have this in our community."

Let's also be clear that this was people of all colors, all sexes, all sexual preferences and any other way you want to split up humanity who said "no, this is not acceptable."

Yeah, I'm always going to give you my honest take on a situation, even if it's not a popular opinion. I'm proud that I don't sell out and don't back down from situations like this, but in this particular case I think that the people of Facebook had this situation well handled by the time I went to bed.

This was a great example of "you guys being awesome to each other." I'm proud of you.

Note: many listeners questions why we would not include the mans name in our censored version of the blog. There are a number of reasons, but chief among them should be everyones goal to destroy not people, but racism. 

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