I would still be cleaning doodie out of my pants after this one.  A mans fiance took him to the bungee attraction to help him "get over" his fear of heights (for the record a "fear of heights" is thought to be a chemical response in the body, therefore "getting over" them is really not all that possible).  Read more after the jump.

So the girlfriend gets her man to get on the bungee ride.  The man, no doubt, not wanting to seem like a wuss in his bride-to-bee's eyes, gets on.  Then the cables get tangled 50 feet up and the couple is stuck in midair for almost three hours. Holy jumpin' Jezebel!  I'm getting the feet sweats just thinking about this.  Read the whole story here.

I just don't understand things like this.  Guess what?  I'm afraid to go skydiving.  Guess what else?  There's no damn reason in the world why I should "get over it".  I'm also scared of covering my crotch with beef jerky and walking into a pack of hungry rottweilers.  Should I go get some beef jerky and "get over it"?  If my beloved didn't accept the fact that I don't like skydiving or hungry rottweilers, then she can hit the bricks.

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