alamo drafthouse

Alamo Drafthouse Sets ‘Wonder Woman’ Women-Only Screening and Some Men Are Being Real Weenies About It
Alamo Drafthouse Sets ‘Wonder Woman’ Women-Only Screening and Some Men Are Being Real Weenies About It
Alamo Drafthouse Sets ‘Wonder Woman’ Women-Only Screening and Some Men Are Being Real Weenies About It
Ladies: Imagine going to see Wonder Woman in a movie theater filled with nothing but other women. Sounds fun, right? The Alamo Drafthouse certainly thinks so, which is why the geniuses behind our favorite theater chain organized a special women-only screening of the highly-anticipated superhero film at their downtown Austin location. Unfortunately (but predictably, which is just as unfortunate), a whole bunch of dudes are acting like big whiny weenies about it — hilariously oblivious to how their sexist attitudes further prove the need for this event.

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