tom petty

Tom Petty Plus Eddie Vedder Equals Magic
Tom Petty Plus Eddie Vedder Equals Magic
Tom Petty Plus Eddie Vedder Equals Magic
Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers were one of my first favorite bands.  By "favorite' I mean a band that I followed all through their career, saw multiple times in concert, bought their stuff and more.  For some reason, whether the current trend was rock, new wave or even metal, there always seemed to be room for Tom Petty.  Now, when grunge got big, I wasn't the biggest Nirvana fan, instead I
“Bridge School Benefit Concerts: 25th Anniversary Edition” Trailer [VIDEO]
“Bridge School Benefit Concerts: 25th Anniversary Edition” Trailer [VIDEO]
“Bridge School Benefit Concerts: 25th Anniversary Edition” Trailer [VIDEO]
If you ever wanted to do something for charity, this is an excellent one to reach out and help. Plus you get some sweet acoustic performances from some of rock's biggest names ever! Coming on October 24th is The Bridge School Benefit Concerts: 25th Anniversary Edition collection available on both three DVD and two CD sets...