Disturbed Ad for ‘Immortalized’ Pulled by Warner Bros. in Response to Virginia Shooting
An advertisement for Disturbed's 'Immortalized' album that featured scenes from their music video for "The Vengeful One" has been pulled by Warner Bros. due to the tragic on-air shooting of Virginia reporter Alison Parker and cameraman Adam Ward, according to USA Today.
Released back in June, "The Vengeful One" features scenes of Disturbed mascot The Guy breaking into a newsroom and shooting robotic anchors in human form, meant as a piece of social commentary criticizing the nature of the media. "The Guy basically plays the hand of God," Disturbed drummer Mike Wengren told USA Today recently. "He sees the media and the world running amok, and he comes down to save everyone. He goes down and takes out the mind-controlling media."
Following yesterday's Virginia murders in which a former reporter at the station gunned down WDBJ-TV reporter Alison Parker and cameraman Adam Ward while they were broadcasting a morning news segment, it appears that the Disturbed ad's video content is just too close to the real-life tragedy in the eyes of Warner Bros.
Gupta Media, the online company that placed the ad (which appeared as pre-roll footage before other videos), says it was only targeted to people who had visited Disturbed-related sites. In a statement, the company explained, "The Disturbed ad was served via retargeting. Retargeting ads are matched to previous web-browsing behavior, so only a visitor who had interacted with Disturbed websites would be eligible to see this ad. The content of the video is irrelevant in this type of advertising because we know that they are Disturbed fans. There was no use of key words or any other kind of targeting for this particular ad.”
This isn't the first time a Disturbed clip has been pulled due to controversial content. Back in 2002, Disturbed's music video for "Prayer" was banned from various TV stations due to perceived similarities to the 9/11 attacks on New York City. Instead of recutting "Prayer," Disturbed chose to stick with the original edit and spread the video virally despite the loss of TV exposure.
Though "The Vengeful One" ad has been pulled by Warner Bros., you can still watch the video (seen above) on Disturbed's YouTube channel. To grab a copy of Disturbed's newest album, Immortalized, click here.
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