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Update: Patrick Mahomes and Brittany Matthews proved at least some people right. On Tuesday (September 29th), the couple announced that they are, in fact, pregnant. [Full story]

[Original story] In the wise words of ancient internet wisdom: Leave Brittany Alone.

I hate to add any fuel to the fire by mentioning it, but lately Brittany Matthews, fiancee of former Texas Tech QB and Super Bowl MVP Patrick Mahomes and popular social media influencer in her own right, has been getting less-than-polite comments on her Instagram page.

It stems from this cute video:

Multiple commenters speculated about a "baby bump," which I find to be ill-mannered and gross. First of all, I've gotten more of a "baby bump" from a six-pack of beer. Yes, Brittany is very fit and naturally thin, so even a slight change in her abdomen may appear like something it perhaps is or isn't. What it isn't for sure is any of our damn business.

You know those super slim six-pack photos you see? The subject in those photos is almost always dehydrated. Even the fittest people can have tiny tums.

I understand that Brittany is a celebrity and on social media, but that doesn't mean the public "owns" her, or has any right to know her private medical information. If she is pregnant, I'm sure we will get a lovely announcement in due time. Many women choose not to tell anyone until they are further along because anything can happen. Nobody knew I was pregnant until I was six months along and there was no more hiding it.

So maybe next time these folks can keep their speculation to themselves? Honestly, any comments about other people's bodies are probably best left unsaid. There are not very many ways in which a comment about another's body isn't creepy.

I think the enormous sneaker collection in the background is much more interesting, anyway. Seriously, how many shoes is that?

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