Lubbock Needs Cooler Parks
When I say "Lubbock needs cooler parks", I don't mean temperature-wise, but that would be good too.
As part of the Rockshow we are on the air in Abilene and Wichita Falls. We do everything we can to keep up with the daily news in both of those towns because we feel like we need to be members of their communities. It's interesting how much our three towns have in common, but Wichita Falls does a much, much better job of putting together "green spaces" and parks (at least they have recently).
Wichita Falls recently opened a "dog park". It has some flaws, but the effort is there. Even better, they recently replaced dated playground equipment with news stuff that looks like dinosaur bones. Now tell me what boy wouldn't want to play around those, every freakin' day!
Lubbock needs more "green spaces", more skateparks, and more creative ways to get kids outdoors and enjoying our parks. We also need more regular maintenance to paint over gang tags and graffiti. Parks should not be a scary place for kids, we need to keep them clean and threat free.
Don't get me wrong, Lubbocks city park are in pretty great shape and the city crews work hard to keep them green, we just need more regular graffiti removal and more parks in general.
Just driving by parks will make Lubbock a more inviting place, and the kids will love it too.