Pat Sajack would like to buy a vowel with a shot of Jack Daniels as a chaser. The long time ‘Wheel of Fortune’ host mentioned during a radio interview that he did more than a few shows under the influence.

In the early days of the show, there was a lot of time to kill between set changes, so Sajak and letter flipper Vanna White would hit the Cantina across the street from the studio to drink the time away. We’d like to solve the puzzle please — Is it ‘Three Sheets To The Wind?’

“Vanna and I would go across and have two or three or six and then come and do the last shows and have trouble recognizing the alphabet. They’re really great tapes to get a hold of,” Sajak said.

Maybe there are other ‘tapes’ of the duo to get a hold of?? Perhaps some Beta footage of Pat getting his letters turned by Vanna’s knowing hands or Vanna yelling out vowels while Pat solves her puzzle. All of it set to the sexy tunes of Pat’s country singing daughter Maggie.

Oh, man, we are gonna get so chubbed up watching ‘Wheel’ tonight. Normally that only happens during ‘Family Fued.’

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