13 Rock + Metal Genres as Emoji
World Emoji Day is celebrated each year on July 17, so we thought it would be fun to mark the occasion by creating new emoji for rock and metal genres.
Japanese artist Shigetaka Kurita created the first emoji way back in 1999, according to an article by WIRED. Before that, there were emoticons (basically analog emoji) such as :) and ;).
Since the mid-2000s users could copy and past emoji into texts and emails from separate apps, but In 2011, Apple added an official emoji keyboard to iOS. Android added theirs two years later.
Emoji became such an integral part of our culture that in 2015 the Oxford Dictionaries Word of the Year was the "Tears of Joy" emoji 😂.
These little pictographs are an important part of our modern lives, and we can think of a few additions that metalheads and rockers could make good use of.
From nu metal to deathcore, we have some suggestions that will make rock fans' online communications much simpler and more exciting. That is why emoji exist after all, to add nuance to digital communication. Someone might not read your comment as sarcasm, but adding a 😉 or 🙄 will help get your point across.
READ MORE: New Emojis Will Come In Useful for Metalheads
Imagine if someone asked what you've been listening to lately and you could just hit them with a pair of camouflage cargo shorts. Check out 13 Rock + Metal Genres as Emoji below:
22 Makeup Trends That Define Rock + Metal’s History