Rooster Does the Hang on Super Tuesday at Jaguar’s [VIDEO] NSFW
Rooster is no stranger to hyping up a crowd. He does it every night in the Wrecking Yard and Sunday's for Everything Goes Black. So when he was asked to pump up the crowd at one of our favorite places, he delivered.
Rooster invaded Jaguar's on a Super Tuesday and got the crowd going with some freebies. You'll see Rooster out every Super Tuesday at Jag's but this one he wanted to really make big.
Starting every week, FMX and Jag's will partner up for some special online content. Last week it was our intern getting a little dance and next week will be big too. We're discussing what we want to do for it already.
Be on the look out for more videos from FMX and Jag's but for now, see what a typical Super Tuesday is like for Rooster at Jag's.
Caution, Rooster uses some naughty language in this video.