trans-siberian orchestra

TSO Presale Code [VIP Exclusive]
TSO Presale Code [VIP Exclusive]
TSO Presale Code [VIP Exclusive]
Do you want the pick of the litter when it comes to tickets to see Trans-Siberian Orchestra live in Lubbock this fall? Well, that can be arranged!
Trans-Siberian Orchestra Live At The USA Lubbock, Texas AKA Mission Impossible (11-14-11) (Photo/Video)
Trans-Siberian Orchestra Live At The USA Lubbock, Texas AKA Mission Impossible (11-14-11) (Photo/Video)
Trans-Siberian Orchestra Live At The USA Lubbock, Texas AKA Mission Impossible (11-14-11) (Photo/Video)
Facebook friends might be nice, but real life friends are better. After missing Trans-Siberian Orchestra's first four visits to town, I decided to offer to take my family this year. This was before tickets went on sale since we would want good seats. No one was interested, so I did not arrange for any tickets. Fast forward to the day of the show. At 4pm my wife decides that she definitely wants to go to the show. It is way to late to get tickets from the radio station, and I even had to miss the on the air interview with The Rock Show at the station. The concert is nearly sold out and there are no good seats available, so I hesitantly begin making phone calls. To my surprise and with two hours to spare, my friend John "Get the shot, Get the shot!" Berry (KCBD Videojournalist/Photojournalist) calls me and says that he has me covered with two floor seats waiting at will call! An hour before the show, another son calls and asks if I could get us all tickets, since he will soon not be living in town for a few years, and he wants to do a family thing before he leaves. No Pressure... (Photos/Videos Follow The Jump)

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