That’s Methed Up! Texas Border Patrol Seizes Record Amount of Meth

On Monday, September 12th, the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol Agency seized a record amount of methamphetamine at the Del Rio point of entry.
The whopping 1,337 pounds of meth was found in a tractor trailer that was hauling diesel tank containers, according to a tweet by CBP Commissioner Chris Magus.
The meth is estimated to have a street value of nearly $12 million and is
"the largest methamphetamine seizure in port history."
The seizure happened on the Del Rio bridge. After being recommended for a second non-intrusive canine search, the trailer was found with this enormous illicit cargo. Now multiple agencies are investigating, including Immigration and Customs.
The likely largest meth bust ever was seized in California in 2001, which was over 5,000 pounds.
Deaths from methamphetamine toxicity have skyrocketed in the U.S. Here are some hard numbers from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA):
On a personal note, I lost someone I loved very dearly to meth. He isn't dead, but he's absolutely, possibly irrevocably, lost.
I had to cut him out of my life after he told me he was convinced that a man was living in his apartment ceiling. He lived on the first floor, the ceiling was concrete and someone else's floor. Heavy meth use looks a lot like schizophrenia. It's absolutely terrifying and heart breaking to watch someone you love go literally insane from meth use. Meth is inherently dirty and poisonous:
Illicitly manufactured meth is usually made by combining ephedrine or pseudoephedrine with other chemicals that are often poisonous or highly flammable. The mixture is then added to a solvent such as gasoline and heated to crystallize.
Additionally, meth is increasingly cut with the incredibly toxic and dangerous drug known as fentanyl. Very small amounts of fentanyl can kill even seasoned drug users.
If you have a problem with meth, please get help. Your life is literally on the line. For more information about treatment referral services, head to the Substance Abuse and Metal Health Administration's website.
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