7 Things That All Real Lubbock Residents Have Done At Least Once
At the end of the day, we all have much more in common than we tend to think.
There are certain things that are unavoidable if you've live in Lubbock for any length of time at all. I believe I've corralled up seven that everybody who's spent a few years in the Hub City have all done. Enjoy.
- 1
Had Some Type Of Dust Related Health Trauma
You're not from Lubbock if you haven't had a case of the brown lung. I was even "fortunate" enough to have some stuff blown into my eyeball that had to be lifted off with a needle.
- 2
Ate At The Caboose
The original Copper Caboose and the 50th street Caboose are pretty legendary. They served the first fajita's in Lubbock and have always served some great Tex-Mex and American Food. All of this, plus you can shuffle your kids off to the other half of the building to play games.
- 3
Shopped At Ralph's Records
Ralph's has been around FOREVER. It would be very hard for me to believe that there is a person in Lubbock that hasn't picked through the music or dropped in for concert tickets.
- 4
Been To 4th On Broadway
Some of us just can't handle it anymore, but I do believe everyone has given 4th on Broadway a shot at least once. It's a kind of cool parade but I think the food booths are what makes it a big annual attraction.
- 5
Bought Clothes At The Mall
Malls, in general, aren't as popular as they once were, but they're still one of the best connections to what is happening around the rest of the world. Local stores have local buyers whose personal styles are reflected in what they sell, back in the day the only way you knew what the rest of the world was doing as hit one of the big national chains in the Mall.
- 6
Gone To South Plains Fair
Some years you want it more than others and some people never miss it. There is a certain electricity in the air when you're at the fair. I think everyone is just hopped up on adrenaline and funnel cakes. The Fair also heralds that we're headed into my favorite season, Fall.
- 7
Had Your Favorite Show Interrupted By A Tornado Watch/Warning.
Am I the only who has said, "I don't care if we're about to be hit by a tornado, I want my show back on!". Our local forecasters do a pretty good job, but I think we've all complained that sometimes they overdo it just a bit. No, of course, we wouldn't think they overdid it if a path of destruction actually happened, but it's easy to pick on them when it doesn't.
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