‘Candlelight At The Ranch’ Set For December 8-9th At The Ranching And Heritage Center
Texas Tech University National Ranching Heritage Center
For those of you who have never been to the Ranching Heritage Center it is a museum with actual houses moved to the site from various locations (places that date back to 1700's).
'Candlelight at the Ranch' is one of our family favorite events of the year. The Ranching and Heritage Center decorate a lot of the buildings in "period" fashion and have people dressed in period costumes doing activities that might have taken place during that time period.
Have a cup of hot chocolate, write a letter to Santa, get a bag of hot kettle corn and check out the sights.
'Candlelight at the Ranch' will take place December 8-9 from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.