Check Out The RockShow’s Comedy Christmas For The Kitties And K-9’s At World Of Beer
Wes and I are totally stoked for a night of fun at World of Beer that will benefit our animal friends. Chrissy and Wes' Comedy Christmas For The Kitties and K-9's will be held at World of Beer on December 18th at 9 pm. This night of fun is sponsored by one of our favorite businesses in town, Three Dog Bakery.
Featured comedians include JJ Howell, Caleb Davis, Corey Evans, and Kimothy Williams, some of our favorite comedians in Lubbock. We are thrilled to have them as part of our show and you can expect to hear some incredible jokes. These guys are excellent performers and have been in the comedy game for a long time, far longer than myself. I definitely look up to them and we are really lucky that they are taking the time to come out and do our show.
You will also be able to get a photo with Pimp Krampus, and who the hell wants to miss out on that? It's not every day that you see someone dressed up in a pimp suit with a Krampus mask on. If you don't come for the jokes, you may as well just come for the photo op. Gotta get that Instagram shot for your adoring fans.
I will also be telling some stupid jokes and singing you a few silly songs with my piano. It should be a pretty good time, and we hope that you guys will come out and enjoy the evening with us. Mark your calendar for December 18, grab your pals and come out for beers and laughs.
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