Friday, December 1st is World AIDS Day, and the Pink Ladies and Gents of Club Pink are having a huge drag show and donating 100 percent of tips made and donations at door to Project Champs in Lubbock, Texas.

Project Champs is an awesome AIDS charity. They do all kinds of work with those affected by the disease. Some of the things Project Champs does include having a pantry to give groceries away and helping pay for medicine for kids with HIV.

The Pink Ladies and Gents are trying to raise enough money to pay for 60 Christmas food boxes, with an ultimate goal of $1,500.

The show will feature numerous Lubbock drag and gent performers and will be hosted by Emologie Raven, Renee Raven's Drag Mother, and Boleo from 102.5 Kiss FM!

Showtime is at 11 p.m. on Friday, December 1. For more information, check out the Pink Ladies on Facebook! 

Club Pink/Emologie Raven
Club Pink/Emologie Raven

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