We have not even officially hit winter yet and West Texas has experienced some very windy days.

Facebook-This is not a Septia-toned photo, this is what it looks like.

How Bad Does The Dust Get In Lubbock?

Ha ha. (I'm sorry). Anybody who lives around these parts knows that zero visibility is not even rare. We've had scenes that look like they came straight from the movie "The Mummy". Sometimes you can see it come in as a wall (a Haboob) and sometimes it just gradually picks up until everything is a mess.


The Dust Gets Everywhere

There is no keeping the dust out of anything. From windowsills to between the spaces in your teeth, if there is a void or a surface, the dust will get in there. It doesn't matter how much preparation and prevention that you take, dust will find its way in there. It is insidious and can be very hard on those with breathing problems as well.

I. Montez
I. Montez

Rain Does Not Keep The Dust Down

Logically it makes sense that rain should keep the dust down. Here in Lubbock, we get so little rain that it only serves to break up the larger pieces of dirt, creating more dust problems.  That's right, in most cases, the rain here actually makes things worse.

Image: Lance Ballance-Townsquare Media
Image: Lance Ballance-Townsquare Media

Dust Storms Can Happen Anytime

Wind plus the fine red dirt here can make for a dust storm at any time. But, if you had to ability to get away during the worst times, that would be late winter or early spring. Yes, that's the best that it can be narrowed down, pretty much December through March and April. Leaving town for that length of time is not doable for most people, and you'd still have a chance at more when you got back.

Lubbock Duststorm February 26th, 2023

Gallery Credit: Nessmania

20 Striking Photos From Across Texas During Winter Storm Uri

Texas was hit hard by Winter Storm Uri, a polar vortex which led to millions being without power for days in constant freezing temperatures. These photos show the good, the bad and ugly of the crisis.


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