Get Your Rock On Now Lubbock, You May Not Be Able To Later
I had a very interesting conversation with a promoter friend.
Let's start with the fact that I'm not just talking about Lubbock here, I'm talking about all over, and especially Texas.
In the past few years, all the bands have been sucked up by major festivals. When this happens many of them are barred from playing towns within a few hundred miles in order to secure their draw. Some of the bands are able to play some of the smaller towns to help them grab another paycheck or two. Beyond that, sometimes some of the festival bands will circle back around and hit secondary markets, places like Lubbock or El Paso. That sums up the live music ecosystem as it sits now.
Now the pandemic has thrown a monkey wrench into the system. You have bands, some with large crews, that are trying to keep themselves and their fans healthy. You also have fans that want to fight about whatever coronavirus restrictions bands and/or venues want to put into place.
So here comes monkey wrench number 2. The holidays are not that far away. Most bands take the holidays off. Since it's hard to start and stop an entire organization, which is what a band is, many just end tours before the holidays.
All of this brings us to where we are now. Many bands are choosing to just choose to call it a year and hopefully get back out sometime in '22.
There's one other item that's not on your radar and there are several artists that do not want to play Texas at this time. They haven't made a big deal about it because they don't want to lose the fanbase they have here, but they have made a personal decision not to play Texas because of recent laws that were enacted.
It's a frustrating situation for sure for those of us who just want to rock. That's why I'm writing this. Don't think for one minute "oh well, there will be another show just around the corner" because we are about to go into what could be a huge dry spell. I would NEVER tell you to go to a show for the sake of going to a show, I just don't want you to think there are many more chances up ahead.
For your convenience, or in case you've been under a rock, here's what's coming up:
Friday Night-39th FMX Birthday Bash With In This Moment, Black Veil Brides & Ded
9/29-40th FMX Birthday Bash with Volbeat, The Hu & Twin Temple
10/3-P.O.D., From Ashes To New and All Good Things @Jake's
10/6-Nonpoint @Jake's
10/15-Ayron Jones @Prima Vista
10/16-STYX @Buddy Holly Hall
11/27-28 ZZ Top @Buddy Holly Hall