Help a Lubbock Medical Refugee Live Her Best Quality Life
The fact that Texas is not yet a weed legal state is infuriating. Heartbreaking, actually. I get angry tears every time I even think about it.
It could have helped my sister's seizures when she was still alive. It could help my vet friends who have PTSD, which is an actual brain injury and can be debilitating. I have PTSD for another reason and it has permanently impaired my long and short term memory. I have panic attacks that feel like heart attacks. I can have Xanax, but not weed? Where's the sense in that?
It could also ease the suffering and possibly extend the life of my friend, Katt Howerton, who has Stage 4 cancer.
Katt is so cool. When she's not rescuing animals or feeding neighborhood kids, she's an avid music fan and a great friend. She's also raising 7 children, including 5 adopted nieces and nephews, who need her in their lives.
Katt has become what is known as a medical refugee. She needs to move to a state that will allow her to treat her cancer with medical marijuana, as all other options have been exhausted.
If you're wondering why weed was ever illegal, it's the cotton industry and institutionalized racism. Seriously, look it up. It's ridiculous that I'm alive in 2020 and it's still seen as "immoral" by stupid old men who probably have a pound of cocaine inside their congressional desks.
Luckily, we have the ability to help Katt. She needs funds to help her relocate 9 people, and a few animals, to Colorado. You can donate at the GoFundMe page, or attend a special fundraising event at Woody's Brick Oven Pizza (3135 34th St.). Just go in anytime starting now through February 13th and tell them you're there for Katt and they'll give 15 percent of the proceeds from your order to her. Easy.
Also, please write to your local elected representative. You can find them easily here.
Just shoot them a few polite words about why you think medical marijuana is the right thing to do. Additionally, marijuana is a great water-wise crop that could benefit this area agriculturally. It's not only compassionate and humane, it's just plain sensible.