Is It Really Windy Enough In Lubbock To Knock A Dumpster Over?
A Lubbock resident was shocked to find their dumpster had been knocked over on its side. They're now pondering whether or not it's truly windy enough here to topple over a dumpster.
If it wasn't the wind, the NextDoor user speculated that perhaps a dragster in the area collided with it, or maybe the dump truck didn't put it back properly. What do you think?
Here's what they had to say about the incident, which actually ruptured a nearby gas line, on NextDoor:
High winds or dragster? This happened last night. A dumpster (full of garbage) was flipped over onto a gas line and ruptured it. This morning I was alerted by a neighbor to stay inside. The fire department sent a truck and firemen to plug it. That couldn’t be done until the city of Lubbock came to pull the dumpster upright and clear the busted pipe. It’s Sunday and that might take a while, right? So these guys just lifted the monstrous dumpster to the side away from the leaking pipe enabling them to plug it! In the meantime, other firemen are coming into surrounding houses to check gas levels. Luckily the gas levels were low due, in part to the wind they said. I am so grateful to Lubbock Fire Department and Atmos Gas for getting here so quickly and preventing another catastrophe similar to the recent gas explosion in our area. What exactly caused this mishap? A witness claims he saw the wind lift this heavy dumpster up as it flipped over into the gas pipe. Another theory points to frequent speeding cars in that same alleyway. Screeching tires are often heard in the early hours by neighbors. Dark swerving tire marks can be found that lead back to 111th Street. A policeman was there to investigate the incident."
According to a scrap metal forum, the average 3 yard dumpster, the kind you would find in an alley in Lubbock, weighs between 500 and 600 pounds when it's empty. If the wind flipped the dumpster on its side, that's pretty nuts. We can't tell exactly how much was in the dumpster, but we are honestly wondering if maybe it fell over on its side when it was put down by the dump truck, and then was just left there...which is totally rude.
The gas leak in the neighborhood that has since been repaired. The Lubbock Fire Department and Atmos Energy came out to fix the situation and the resident was told the gas levels in the air would have been much worse had it not been for the wind carrying much of it away. So if the wind was to blame for the dumpster falling over, it was also to blame for decreasing the toxicity of the situation to residents nearby.
Have you ever seen the wind here knock a dumpster clear over? Comment below on our FMX Facebook page.