Have you noticed how bad Levelland smells lately? A friend of mine says that she can barely stand sitting on her front porch anymore because the smell of the oil and gas work in her area has gotten totally out of control. She said it's always been a "little" smelly, but over the past few weeks, it's just rank.

Brandi Tadlock
Brandi Tadlock

She sent me a couple of pictures and told me, "That warning is on each of the 2 pumpjacks, maybe 75 yards from residential areas. It's definitely H2S because it usually smells like rotten eggs. It's really strong over there right now."

Brandi Tadlock
Brandi Tadlock

She went on to say, "I could be blindfolded in the trunk of a car going down 114, and could tell you when we hit Levelland, by the overwhelming smell alone. All I know is, I'd better not ever hear someone say that we can't legalize weed in Texas, because "it would smell bad", after living here."

It sounds like Levelland has become "The Bog of Eternal Stench" from The Labyrinth.


I already did my time there at SPC in the early 2000s and I'm definitely glad I'm not around for Stinkfest 2023. That can't be fun for anyone. Hopefully, it's not dangerous. Pretty sure people's lives are more important than oil and gas, although I'm sure someone would argue that. I mean, we are in Texas. *sigh*

Have you noticed how bad it smells in Levelland lately? I'd love to hear your point of view on the situation. Feel free to comment on this article or email me at Chrissy.Covington@townsquaremedia.com.

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