Lovely Esmerelda Is Lubbock’s Awesome Adoptable Pet of the Week
“See the finest girl in France
Make an entrance to entrance
Dance la Esmeralda.... Dance!”
Is it just me, or is The Hunchback of Notre Dame one of the most underrated Disney movies ever? And with the best "princess," Esmerelda.
You can see the finest brindle baby in Lubbock at the Lubbock Animal Shelter and Adoption Center (3323 SE Loop 289), as she is your Awesome Adoptable Pet of the Week.
From the folks at the shelter:
Esmerelda is a 1 year old female Pit Bull/Mix who has been with us for 32 days. She is very lovable, and is good with other dogs. She will play, but she will also sit with you on the couch and snuggle with you. She is up to date on all her shots, fixed, and microchipped.
It's befuddling to me why Esmerelda has been overlooked so long, as she is good with other dogs and a snuggle bunny. Perhaps it's her very misunderstood breed type-, the pit bull, that's holding her back. An Esmerelda facing prejudices due to no fault of her own. Sound familiar?
I know the perfect home is waiting to love and welcome Esmerelda, and her gorgeous brindle coat looks oh-so-pettable. Remember, adopting from Lubbock Animal Shelter saves you a ton of money because they take care of so much vetting. Instead of being out a couple of hundred dollars, your animal will be spayed/neutered (or have a voucher to have it done when they are old enough), have their shots and be microchipped in the event they get lost or stolen.
Esmerelda not quite your type? Lubbock Animal Shelter has many worthy puppies, kitties, cats, dogs and sometimes even bunnies or chickens that are waiting for their perfect families. They're open Monday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.
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