Lubbock Tattoo Artist Nick Collins Makes Hilarious & Timely Merch
During the Covid-19 crisis, many of us are having to do what we can to survive. Whether it's adapting financially, finding new work or ways to make funds- or even finding humor in this dark, dismal atmosphere. Local tattoo artist Nick Collins is doing all the above, by making art that makes us smile.
Looking for toilet paper and shits to give? Well you found the right post! I have plenty of both of those! Lesley and the great folks over at Elite Sign & Design were able to turn my "Oh Sh*t..." design into these shiny vinyl stickers! They turned out so nicely for my first official run of stickers! They are $4 each, or $5 for personal delivery to anywhere within Lubbock County. I can also ship them anywhere USPS can send mail for slightly more! Please help support my work during these trying times! As a sidenote, I will be taking a break from tattooing as of Monday, March 23rd as a safety precaution for my clients and my own personal health. As funny as this design might be, COVID-19 is not something to ignore or take lightly. That means these stickers and any art I have for sale will be the sole means of holding us up financially until it is safe to resume tattooing. I fully know that art and tattoos are not as important as food or rent, but small things like these stickers can still help artists like myself get by and survive. I will also have prints of this design available tomorrow! Stay tuned for those as well. Thanks everyone who read all this text, please DM or email me if you'd like to order some stickers. 🖖 #nickcollinsart #f*ckthecoronavirus
You can get your own "Oh, Sh*t" stickers or prints from Nick delivered by messaging Nick on Facebook. be sure to "like" his page while you're there. I love my sticker and print, and I love supporting clever artists during this tricky time.