Every year I always look forward to The Summer Slaughter Tour, being one of the most aggressive lineups that tour North America, the tour is always right up my alley.
Everything Goes Black favorites Devourment have released the official video for their track "Parasitic Eruption" which you can check out here.
I wish I could call or text every listener out there to tell them Merry Christmas. I hope you are enjoying the snow and all the family time you can stand.
It is really important to me to keep in touch with as many listeners of The Wrecking Yard and Everything Goes Black. So I am going to take a little time and let you know how you can keep in touch with me.
I am always on the look out for new music and I found a rocking band from Sweden called Graveyard. Don't let the name fool you with Graveyard. Graveyard is a killer blues rocker band from Sweden and I hope you take a little time to check them out.
It is time for a throw down, as FMX and Everything Goes Black welcome the return of Lamb Of God. I hope you are ready to twist and turn in the mosh pit along with very special guests.
At The Wacken Open Air Festival you can never tell what you will see live on stage. This year Dimmu Borgir brought an orchestra and choir to help out during their set and it rocked.
If you have wondered how you can't get through day and you have tried energy drinks or coffee and they just aren't doing it for you. Then check out this band giving you some viking metal with Amon Amarth.