funny or die

Do You Have Bitchy Resting Face? [VIDEO]
Do You Have Bitchy Resting Face? [VIDEO]
Do You Have Bitchy Resting Face? [VIDEO]
I cannot tell you how many times I've heard from listeners that "I was going to say hi, but you looked like you were having a bad time". I've explained time and time again, sorry, that's just my face. My face is like the grumpy cats face, I just LOOK like I'm always mad or grumpy even when I'm having a good time. Now this phenomenon (do do da doo doo) is being taken on by the folks at &q
Jim Carrey Fronts Lonesome Earl & The Clutterbusters With “Cold Dead Hand” [VIDEO]
Jim Carrey Fronts Lonesome Earl & The Clutterbusters With “Cold Dead Hand” [VIDEO]
Jim Carrey Fronts Lonesome Earl & The Clutterbusters With “Cold Dead Hand” [VIDEO]
Yeah, this one is a political statement, but it is a SPOT ON parody.  Of course, those people with opposing views won't think it's funny or creative, but if you weren't listening to the actual words, you'd think this was from an old cowboy movie.  It's also near impossible to tell that it's Jim Carrey singing.  More after the jump.
Who The F@#$ Is Paul McCartney? [VIDEO]
Who The F@#$ Is Paul McCartney? [VIDEO]
Who The F@#$ Is Paul McCartney? [VIDEO]
If you haven't heard, Twitter was ablaze during the Grammy's with kids trying to figure out who "Paul McCartney" was. The fact that one of the Beatles was rocking the show was completely beyond them. All they knew was that he was "hella-old". More after the jump.
Shocker! Clean Cut Kristen Bell Has Over 200 Tattoos [VIDEO]
Shocker! Clean Cut Kristen Bell Has Over 200 Tattoos [VIDEO]
Shocker! Clean Cut Kristen Bell Has Over 200 Tattoos [VIDEO]
Kristen Bell has some fun with her clean cut image in a ‘Funny or Die’ clip in which she reveals that she actually has 223 tattoos, and because of this she requires about fourteen hours in make-up before performing her duties as a seemingly ink-less actress. Who knew Veronica Mars was such a wild girl?
Navy Seal Who Killed Osama Bin Laden Revealed [VIDEO]
Navy Seal Who Killed Osama Bin Laden Revealed [VIDEO]
Navy Seal Who Killed Osama Bin Laden Revealed [VIDEO]
Can you imagine what it would be like to carry around the secret that you're the guy that shot Osama Bin Laden? Well, sorry if you were hoping for real news, this is from "Funny Or Die".