
Lubbock Man Pays It Forward On His Birthday [VIDEO]
Lubbock Man Pays It Forward On His Birthday [VIDEO]
Lubbock Man Pays It Forward On His Birthday [VIDEO]
On January 8, 1964, President LBJ had this to say during his State of the Union address: “Unfortunately, many Americans live on the outskirts of hope – some because of their poverty, and some because of their color, and all too many because of both. Our task is to help replace their despair with opportunity. It will not be a short or easy struggle, no single weapon or strategy will suffice, but we shall not rest until that war is won. The richest Nation on earth can afford to win it. We cannot afford to lose it.”
Take A Fresh Look At TV News
Take A Fresh Look At TV News
Take A Fresh Look At TV News
I swore off the “news leader” a while back. When I swear off something, it’s gone. The station was completely banned from my house. I just couldn’t take their arrogance and (in my opinion) lip service towards the community.Well, after enjoying the other news programs for a month, what was it like to check back in for a day...